Jade Whaanga

Manaaki Movement - Indigenous Dance

Main Tent

Embark on an immersive journey of the senses as we reconnect. Uplifting and grounding, like the Pou that extends towards the heavens while firmly rooted in the earth. In this unique workshop, we invite you to rediscover your deep, innate connection to the natural world and the vast universe through the powerful expressions of Indigenous movement and sound. Guided By Māori Movement Artist Jade Whaanga AKA Pounamu and Indo-Kiwi Sound Artist Zayn Jeet AKA DJ FlowState. 

Jade Whaanga AKA Pounamu, is an Indigenous Movement Artist (Director/Choreographer/Performer) of Ngati Rakaipaaka descent. As the director of Nū Collective, she weaves collaborative creative projects, while also nurturing spaces like Hui Wāhine, intimate sister circles, and Hui Ringatoi, gatherings of artists. 

Zayn Jeet AKA DJ Flowstate, a captivating Indo-Kiwi Sound Artist (DJ, Producer, Writer, and Musician). A member of the Aho Collective. Enriching the Aotearoa Music scene with an essential infusion of diversity.



Grace and Cam


Kat Grace