Zac Parish

True Mindfulness for Modern Times

Main Tent


Join Zac Parish for meditation at Wendy’s Wellness 7 am to 7.45 am Friday and Saturday morning. 

Tent Talk

At the heart of our modern lives are two big challenges to our well-being: the pervasive sense of disconnection and the relentless distractions that entangle our lives. In the search for connection and self-realization, we often find ourselves ensnared by the digital world's demands, leaving us disconnected from our true essence and ultimately, from each other. Heightened stress, floating anxiety, and a pervasive sense of worry that's hard to shake.

There is great transformative power in understanding the three "C's" – Community, Compassion, and Connection. These three pillars hold the key to a richer, more fulfilling life. This interactive talk and meditation session at Splore is key to discovering this profound shift. 

Through our shared exploration, you will learn simple yet deeply impactful daily practices. These include gratitude rituals that infuse your life with positivity, compassion meditations and mantras that deepen your sense of empathy, and self-awareness techniques that provide clarity in the craziness. These practices will be your allies, standing steadfast against stress and anxiety, replacing them with inspiration, connection, and a renewed sense of purpose. As you cultivate these daily habits, you'll not only experience an inner transformation, but your relationships will also flourish. The connections you foster will be deeper, more profound, and more fulfilling.

This session at Splore is your opportunity to carry the three "C's" to those who need them most. Peace and love have a way of emanating from within, and by embracing these principles, you'll be sowing the seeds of a brighter future for yourself, your community, and the world. Your presence and intention are the first steps in making a difference.





Veda Austin


Carlie Starr